ERC Starting Grant for Uri Vool
Uri Vool was awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). He is an independent group leader at the MPI CPfS, and will use the grant to explore novel superconductors by integrating them into hybrid quantum circuits.
As a John Harvard Distinguished Science fellow at Harvard University, Uri Voll developed quantum sensing techniques for understanding material properties. As of March 2022, Uri leads the "Quantum Information for Quantum Materials" group at the MPI CPfS. In November 2022, Uri became a Young Investigator at the TU Dresden.
For his ERC grant, Uri and his group will fabricate hybrid superconducting circuits in which novel superconductors participate significantly. These circuits connect internal material properties to the state of the quantum system, so that sensitive measurement techniques developed for quantum computing can be used for material exploration. Such measurements can spectroscopically study the gap structure of atomically thin and micrometer sized materials, and interact with collective excitations in the superconductor. Unraveling the structure of the superconducting phase in these materials is important for our basic understanding of interacting many-body quantum systems, and can lead to the next generation of quantum technology devices.
ERC starting grants support promising researchers at the beginning of their independent career. The researchers receive approximately 1.5 million Euros to support their group for 5 years. In the 2022 call 408 starting grants were awarded across all disciplines, with 15 grants awarded to Max Planck Society researchers. The grants are part of the EU’s Research and Innovation programme, Horizon 2020.
More information you can find here